Wednesday, January 5, 2011

And We're Back

Due to an inservice on Tuesday, today was my first day back with my class of kindergartners. When I first began teaching Kindergarten, I was let in on a little secret which has proven over and over again to be very true-

Santa Claus brings them brains for Christmas.

Now I don't know if it's old St. Nick or their transition from Piaget's pre-operational to logical thinking, but it's fun to see them take-off. We had a good first day back, in which they were good until 10:30, took a break from good behavior until about 1:30, and then ended the day well. To celebrate the beginning of semester two, I'll leave you with the highlights from my day:

Two students fell out of their chair- separate incidents. Their chairs weren't moving. They were both stationary when it happened.

"Did you know, teacher, that I am a reader?"

In anguish, "We forgot about Writing!" This lamentation was made during Center time after a long introduction into modeling our new writing unit.

"Oh s*?>." This little tidbit came from a formerly unaware student who noticed today when he bumped another student. Is it bad that I was happy to hear him noticing?

"Did you get us another surprise?" Surprises for today were as follows: new crayons and pencils, new books to read, and book boxes. How I love their excitement for everything!

And we'll end with my personal favorite-

"You know, teacher, it's okay if drawing a sandwich is hard for you. It's tricky." And here I thought it was looking halfway decent!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I loved the last one!