*Blogoughts... my Nicole-ese for thoughts that I want to blog about... and then don't.
Here is my random compilation:
* Our cat Cuddles is the kitten version of Indiana Jones. She tears around the house at break-neck speeds jumping in and out of things, up and down things, over and under things. She views all things as possible enemies or prey- with her the action never stops except for a very few hours. Our question is: does she know she's pretending or is she really living in this fantasy world??
*I often feel the effects of Deja Vu at school... and today I decided it is for real. For example, on soup day one of my students will say to me, "Mmmm Mrs. Anderson, I love Cowboy Soup." (She names it this- the cafeteria calls it "Soup.") I then say "Good. I'm glad so-and-so" while I look up at her and realize that she is holding her soup over her lap instead of eating it on her tray. I, imagining all sorts of horrifying situations where she ends up with lunch down her front, say "Put in on your tray! Don't hold it." I swear this scenario has happened several times.
*This one is for all you moms out there! Yesterday in the bus line, I was listening in on another kindergarten teacher's students' conversation. It went like this:
Student #1: "Look teacher! My mom made me this purse!" (It was sewn out of Capri Suns).
Student #2(disgruntled): My mom doesn't make me anything... only food!
*Another small town moment: Eric and I went to the DMV today to get our new Driver's Licenses- I will mourn for my Texas identifications... but not yet. Apparently, our DMV that is already only open on Thursdays and Fridays til 4:30 decided that was way too much time to be in operation! We went at 4:00 today to discover that the person in charge left before 3:30 because she wanted to. We were also informed that she may or may not be in tomorrow...
Smoky Hill High School Spring Craft Show
5 hours ago
You know, I had not ever equated Peru to be like small town America, but it fits!
I just love your kid stories. I can't wait to see what Isaac will say about me.
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