Friday, February 13, 2009

Lost and Found

Thursday at Bible Study we were asked to provide "one high and one low." I'll start with my low.

My low was losing this:

Wednesday afternoon, my friends and I embarked from my school to go downtown to celebrate my friend Allie's birthday. As we got out of the car, I suddenly felt a very naked ring finger. And sure enough, my ring was gone. My friends and I combed the backseat and street- Jason went under the seats and everything (thanks Jason!). But no ring. I had no recollection of taking it off- only a subconscious hope that it might be at school in my room or Sarah's kindergarten classroom.

Eric was very nice to me about it (thanks Eric!). But I felt pretty awful. I lost my engagement ring once before, but only for about 5 minutes. In fact, I hardly ever take it off. I am proud to say, though, that I did not cry.

My high of the week... was finding it!
I went straight into Sarah's classroom when I got to school on Thursday and found it on a chair stacked on a table. My guess is that I took it off to put lotion on and that my head was still swimming from a crazy day at work. (Thanks God!).

My friend Julie claims to be a pro at losing things. She might have some competition. And now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to a date with my husband... and my ring is coming along!

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