Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Here I Raise

When I was in college, I spent a summer in Mexico soaking up the sun under the guise of earning credits. Having gone to a Christian university, one of the classes I took was on Christian faith. In this class we explored our life story and God's workings within it. As part of my presentation, I went out to the back lot and found my very own "Ebeneezer" or stone of help. (Hopefully, I didn't have to declare rocks on returning to the States.) As told in the Bible, the prophet Samuel set aside a remembrance rock to remind God's people that "Thus far the Lord has brought us." It was a very meaningful exercise for me at the time, and I have held onto it for the past seven years. Like most anyone, I haven't thought about the rock in a while, and quite honestly, I don't remember or listen to God as much as I should.

This year, though, with the approach of Lent, remembering has been much on my heart. Our small group's discussions on Crazy Love have prompted us to decide collectively to fast during this season and take time to listen and deepen our love for God. Eric gave the homily at an Ash Wednesday service today, and this has prompted good talks in our family about putting Him first.

When I picked up my Ebeneezer today, I read phrases of events on there that I had completely forgotten. And I'm glad that I could remember. But I'm also ready to move forward.


Julie said...

I really like this idea. I'm going to pick a rock out of our yard and keep it as a remembrance of God's incredible faithfulness during our deployment year! Thanks for the inspiration!

Julie said...

Is that Julie me? If might not have meant something good at that time! :) I'll be in the States this week - let's talk!

Nicole said...

Of course, it was you :) How many Julies do you think I have in my life??? (haha besides my 2 faithful blog readers!) And it was good, I promise! Can't wait to talk and know you're just a little too far away.

Sarah Saunier said...

Is it bad that I don't remember doing this. I guess that I was too busy soaking up the sun while you were doing all the learning. Kind of like the rest of college... did you help me pass that class too. Hehehe... good reflections friend.