Friday, July 23, 2010

You Can Only Drink Fake Coffee With True Friends

Eric and I were so blessed by a visit from some of our dearest and best friends, Julie and Chase, early last week. We got lucky and got 2 days of their short time home visiting from Nicaragua where they serve in a ministry called One-by-One.

Not to worry, though, we maximized our time! In less than 48 hours, we managed to play Settlers, Bang, and Puerto Rico almost to our hearts' content; cook a meal together; watch hilarious You Tube videos; stay up ridiculously late*; and even hit up some Denver establishments.

The only unfortunate part of this experience was that it was way.too.short. I am looking up the cost of plane tickets, and Eric is looking into teleporting devices.

*This tradition was happily started long ago by Julie and Nicole. For years, Chase and Eric have attempted to scoff at this practice, but secretly, they like it too.

1 comment:

Chase Russell said...

The fake coffee comment left me confused for a minute before i remembered that you are holding clean, EMPTY mugs in the picture as if enjoying a cup of coffee at 8:30 pm. I'm mad at myself that i forgot about this forgery already :)

We're so glad we made the trip and we have plenty of clean, empty mugs down here that you guys can pose with when you come to visit.