Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's a Small, Small World

So, I ordered Punjammies (check it out!) from a website about a week ago. They arrived today in the mail with the name of my old college RA on the return address. Had no idea there was a JBU connection. It was a very "Disneylandish" moment.

It re-made me realize that there are a lot of amazing people in the world that I wish I knew better. It makes me thankful for Heaven someday.

Oh, Sierra Leone

How my heart aches for you. How my heart longs to return.

Please watch this video from ABC news about the children of Sierra Leone.

The 'hello everybody' is what got me the most. It reminded me of every morning when we walked into the classrooms.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Oh Canada!

My grandparents are awesome :) They graciously offered Eric and I the use of one of their timeshare weeks, and we excitedly accepted!

So this summer, Eric, myself, and our friends Julie and Chase will be heading up to northern adventures in Fairmont Hot Springs, British Columbia.

The last time I went to Canada was senior year of high school. I wish I had digital pictures to go nostalgic on our blog, but alas it was before the age of digital cameras and I am too lazy to scan right now.

Trust me, this trip will be way better :) Yea Canada!

Friday, February 13, 2009

One Month From Today

We could own this:

Pretty crazy!

Lost and Found

Thursday at Bible Study we were asked to provide "one high and one low." I'll start with my low.

My low was losing this:

Wednesday afternoon, my friends and I embarked from my school to go downtown to celebrate my friend Allie's birthday. As we got out of the car, I suddenly felt a very naked ring finger. And sure enough, my ring was gone. My friends and I combed the backseat and street- Jason went under the seats and everything (thanks Jason!). But no ring. I had no recollection of taking it off- only a subconscious hope that it might be at school in my room or Sarah's kindergarten classroom.

Eric was very nice to me about it (thanks Eric!). But I felt pretty awful. I lost my engagement ring once before, but only for about 5 minutes. In fact, I hardly ever take it off. I am proud to say, though, that I did not cry.

My high of the week... was finding it!
I went straight into Sarah's classroom when I got to school on Thursday and found it on a chair stacked on a table. My guess is that I took it off to put lotion on and that my head was still swimming from a crazy day at work. (Thanks God!).

My friend Julie claims to be a pro at losing things. She might have some competition. And now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to a date with my husband... and my ring is coming along!