Wednesday, August 13, 2008

11 Aces

I have been so busy with starting a new job! But I wanted to post some pictures from the weekend before all this craziness began, especially for my friend Megs who is about to return to China. The first weekend in August, my close JBU friends from college convened for a mini-reunion. Some of us thought that meant we should go ahead and move to Denver to make meeting for a reunion easier... and some people just came from halfway across the world. I feel so blessed to have such amazing friends who I have grown with since college. We may all be different- some speak Chinese, some speak Krio, some speak Arkansan; we may have to put a moratorium on political discussions; we may like hiking, jazz bands, and swimming to varying degrees... But we all love the card game Hand and Foot. Love you friends!


Julie said...

wow. i wish i could have been there. i'm partially sad, partially jealous, and partially kicking myself in the behind (why do i have to have a job?)I love you a lot friend! I really hope we get to see each other again soon - April seems like SO long ago! :)

Nicole said...

I wish you could have been there too! Miss you!