Saturday, October 6, 2007

What Would You Do With $16???

So... a school funny :)

This past week I have been collecting field trip money to go see a Winnie the Pooh play at a very nice theater in Montgomery... which because it is in Montgomery and is nice costs $16 per child.

Money has trickled in slowly (no surprise there), so on Wednesday this week, I hadn't yet received much money... however, I soon realized that this did not indicate the money hadn't been sent by mom or dad.

I have several spacey children (after all they're five), but I have one sweet student who is classic "space cadet*" at its best! For example, if I was to say "go to your seat," this student might end up over by the trash can, carpet, or maybe even the cafeteria if I'm not careful to pay attention. So on Wednesday, we did our typical afternoon routine: get our your backpack, get our your snack or snack money (a quarter to a dollar usually). *SC got very excited during this process and started shouting, "Look Mrs. Anderson... look at how much snack money I have!!!"

And as you've guessed... she did indeed have $16 worth of well "snack money." It was quite a disappointment for her to learn that the money was actually her field trip money... good thing we found another dollar for her in her backpack :)

Oh the fun of teaching pre-logical thinkers :)


Lindsay Newcomer said...

Poor little girl. She could've had 16 Popsicles!

I'm jealous you get to go to a Winnie the Pooh play.

Anonymous said...

You should have gotten down on your knees and said really sweetly, "Get used to it, sister, because if it's not a school play, it's taxes--your money is never your own!!!!"
I wish my kindergarten teacher had taught me that lesson.

Eric said...

haha... especially in Alabama! I'm making gross $6,000 more a year here... but my paycheck is only $100 more a month... hmmm ;)