So when I go to the gym, in addition to burning a few calories and perhaps building some muscle tone, I people watch. Hey, everyone should have a motivator. And as I was people watching today while attempting to do something to my legs in time for swimsuit season, I came upon this realizations:
A: Some people inherently look awesome as they work out, like they were born in a gym.
B: Some people look like they have no clue what they're doing.
I say look like because sometimes they are actually doing a great workout. It just doesn't look pretty.
I am a B (not to be confused with my personality). I can't seem to walk straight on the Stair Master. I adjust the leg machines about 20 times to find the perfect weight and height. I always seem like I am in someone's way when I'm lifting dumbbells for my arms. And while kickboxing might be fun.... well, yes. My jab is less than awe-inspiring to say the least.
I am not sure what the criterion is for looking like you and the gym are one, but please I'd love some tips!
You just need a fit body, cool clothes, and an ipod. Oh, and arrogance. You have to believe that the gym was made for you and that no one else is inside. It's okay to claim large amounts of equipment as yours. Just make sure you have enough sweaty towels to drape on all of it. If someone else is using your machine, ask them how much longer they will be.
-If you're a man, bring a smaller friend with you so you look bigger by comparison. Slam the weights down with a roar as you finish your set.
-If you're a woman, come alone and look through anyone in your line of sight. Also, if you'll be using a treadmill, you must have a ponytail.
It's probably safer to just do the same one or two things every time you go to the gym so that you get good at them and look like a pro. Avoid bosu balls at all costs unless you practice secretly at home. Also pushing yourself too hard can break your cool. No one likes having to switch to an easier level of exercise in front of other people
hysterical. will you please be my personal trainer?? I'm pretty sure I witnessed all of those yesterday.
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