Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Flying Like a Crow!

Tonight I did this! As I came down out of this pose, I think I was smiling from ear to ear! For all you strong and flexible people out there, pretend to be impressed. However, when I started yoga I was the antithesis to both of those things. Strength I had none, and flexibility, well I groaned about stretching after a long run. I felt that yoga was a weak excuse for exercise and felt time was better spent seeing how many calories I could get the elliptical machine to tell me I had burned in an hour. In Greenville that all changed (ah Greenville), and I joined yoga at the Y. My instructor, Jeanie, was an amazing first yogi to learn from. At the beginning of every class, she would repeat this mantra which is also the reason I love yoga... you are not in competition with the person next to you, you are not even in competition with yourself. It was a good thing to, because when I began, balance was out and that crow's pose above- unthinkable. Though the yoga I am now able to afford is much more mass-produced (apparently the lack of a large number of yogis in Greenville kept the price down!), I still enjoy the challenging yet relaxing nature of it all. And so today, after almost 3 years, on a day I forced myself to go to class and not home... I did it. I was flying high... for about 5 - 7 seconds. Namaste!

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